Dhruv Patel

Associate Senior Software Engineer at Cerner Corporation / dhruv.wsu@gmail.com

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Overall 4+ years of experience in software industry. I did Master in Computer Science with research in 3D Motion Tracking and visualization using Android Wearable Technologies. I pursued my Undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering from Gujarat Technological University.


Master of Science - Computer Science
Wright state University, Dayton, Ohio, USA
Thesis : Miniatured Inertial Motion and Position Tracking and Visualization Systems Using Android Wear Platform
Advisor : Dr. Yong Pei (Associate Professor Wright State University)

Jan 2015 - Dec 2016

Bachelor of Engineering - Computer Engineering
Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Aug 2010 - Jul 2014

Technical Skills

Programming Languages
Experience with J2SE, J2EE, C, C++, Android Wear Technology, Objective – C, Hibernate Framework, SQL, MYSQL, Java RMI, php, IOS, sml, prolog, Java Networking, C#, Android Mobile Application Development, RPC, Oracle Database, java design patterns, JUnit, Eclipse RCP, SWT

Web Development
Experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, json, xml, jQuery, Java Server Pages, JSTL

Misc. Technologies and Tools
Experience with Hadoop Map/Reduce, AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google APIS, Android wear APIS, Linux, Git, Eclipse, NetBeans, Android Studio, SQL Developer, Oracle application Express, Oracle Data Modeler, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, FileZilla, xcode, UML, MS Project Professional


Associate Senior Software Engineer
Cerner Corporation, Kansas City, Missouri, USA

Currently responsible for designing, implementing, documenting and unit testing Medical image rendering, analyzing and manipulating software (Cerner SkyVue) for radiologist, cardiologist and health professionals to better assist patients. Collaborated with others to finalize the component level design. Owned and assisted others in debugging and documenting root cause analysis and resolution. Identified process improvements at the team level to support operations and development ecosystem. Participated in Cerner and Organization level hackathon to bring and implement new ideas. Providing client-side software support as well as solving defects. Also responsible for packaging and software release process. Developed Leadership and technical skills by mentoring new associates in the team and cerner training program. Contributing to the larger Cerner Engineering Community through Serving as an Ambassador for experience Cerner day to elaborate Cerner culture, development process and other details to candidates during lunch or dinner, Volunteering in Cerner Health Conference and participating other events. Mostly working with Java, C++, Eclipse RCP, SWT and DICOM image processing standards. Also reviewing code for image viewer software ( web-based image rendering, visualization, and manipulation software) in react, javascript, ruby on rails, Orion.

Oct 2018 - present

Software Engineer
Cerner Corporation, Kansas City, Missouri, USA

Developed an Eclipse plugin that generates basic java objects during the training program. Responsible for Analysis, design, and implementation of medical images rendering, visualization and manipulation software (Cerner SkyVue) for clinicians, diagnosticians, and technologists. Quickly Made an enhancement to existing software with minimal direction. Participated in code and design reviews to identify moderate issues or deviation from best practices. Implemented and tested code through Junit and mockito frameworks

Feb 2017 - sept 2018

Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA

Worked under Dr. Yong Pei on Thesis project and few others Motion Tracking and Visualization Technologies using Android sensor Technologies. Learned Android mobile & wear APIS. Developed Position Algorithm using Accelerometer sensor data kalman filter Techniques.

Sept 2015 - Dec 2016

Teaching Assistant
Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA

Spreaded my knowledge as a teaching assistant for Distributed Coputing & Cloud Computing Courses Which includes Java Networking, Java RMI, Apache Hadoop Map/Reduce. Assigned projects on Hadoop different versions Single node/ Multi node installation & large music data processing.

Jan 2016 - Aug 2016

Sotware Developer
The Institute of Defense Studies and Education, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA

Developed "Real World Privacy" and maintained "cyberbriefs.org" websites. Gain knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, xml, php,FileZilla Technologies

May 2015 - Aug 2015

Sotware Developer Intern
Tristate Technology, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Worked as an iOS Developer intern to learned Objective-C, Swift and iPhone mobile Application Development

Jul 2014 - Nov 2014

Sotware Developer Intern
Implicit Solutions, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Designed Java Web Portal named “Support My School Web Portal” to reduce donation system in schools, was a part of final year undergraduate. Accomplished J2SE, JSP, Servlet, JDBC, SPRING, STRUTS, HIBERNATE frameworks, JSF, JSTL and Web Technologies

Jul 2013 - Mar 2014


Dev Academy Mentor
Cerner Corporation

Mentoring newly-hired Software Engineers on technical projects (Technologies - React, Java) and development tools such as Git, Jira, Crucible, and Jenkins. Providing weekly feedbacks and suggestions to improve their skills as a software engineer at cerner.

Hackathon (Shipit) and placed 2nd Rank
Cerner Corporation


Hackathon (Imaging) and placed 1st Rank in developer impect
Cerner Corporation


Phonathon Caller
Wright State University Annual Giving Department

Sept 2015 - NOV 2015

Hackathon(MakeItWright) and placed 3rd Rank
Wright State University


Miniatured Inertial Motion and Position Tracking and Visualization Systems Using Android Wear Platform
Worked on Thesis project to help people in day to day life using Android Wear Sony smartwatch3 & Android mobile sensor Data. Designed Cloud based prototype using Android wear DataItem, Message and Sensor APIS to collect the Accelerometer Sensor Data from Android watch.Developed Sensor Fusion Kalman Filter Algorithm to Filter Accelerometer Data.Used Position algorithm to develop position from Acceleration and Display 3D View in UNITY 3D tool to generate Trajectory System. Experienced Android Wear & Mobile APIS, SQLite Database, PHP Web Services,Data Structure & Algorithm Techniques and Data Analytics.

Fund Raising Dynamic Web Portal in Java Hibernate Framework
Developed Java Enterprise Web Application to raising fund for organizations. Organizations and donors create their Accounts, Update Profiles, Manage Funds, Events, Projects. Donors donate funds to particular collaborated Organization and Organization Manage their funds. Experienced Java HIBERNATE Framework, JSP, SERVLET, JSTL, ORACLE DATABASE, XML, and SQL Developer, Oracle application Express, Oracle Data Modeler, and Dreamweaver.

Installed multi node Hadoop 2.6.3 and use Different Algorithmic Techniques to Solve Following problems using Hadoop Map-Reduce. 1) Simple Moving Average for Companies Stock Data. 2) Matrix Multiplication 3) Find Mutual Friends for Social Media Data.(For example Facebook) 4) K-mers counting using long DNA sequence in FASTA format 5) installing Single node / multi-node Hadoop in linux ubuntu

Design and Developed Pdf viewer based on iText7 pdf libraries. used javafx, itext7 and pdf renders technologies. Follow all Requirement, specification, Design, implementation and Testing steps properly. This tool has following Functionalities. 1) upload an existing pdf file. 2) Search specific Text 3) insert an annotation 4) Delete an annotation 5) Text highlights, strike through,underline, rectangular box and comment annotations. 6) Rearranging by pages and delete by pages. 7) Save as a pdf.

Stable Marriage Algorithm Windows Application
Designed and implemented Windows application to calculate Stable Marriage Pair for any number of Man-Woman Pairs and Calculate Time Complexity of an Algorithm. Experienced Java Collection, Swing and Algorithmic concepts.

Navigational System with Multi Information Routing
Implemented GPS system on android platform which provides on screen assistant for different information while using navigation system. Aim to develop this application is to provide efficient and effective GPS routing with minimal amount of user interaction

Idea is to develop a Speech Tagger which is used to tag the text present in the Web Pages using the Stanford part of Speech Tagger. Here this speech tagger that reads English text from HTML web pages and assigns part of speech to each word such as noun, verb, adjective etc. So it is generate output as tagged String. For example if the String is Hello World then Output is Hello_UH where UH stands for Interjection. This is used in Natural Language Processing

Idea is to develop Repository system like Git hub to create and delete repository system. Also it has a functionality to store, retrieve documents inside projects. Also push projects to the Repository and pull projects from a Repository. Here instead of using Server i used file system to store and delete File URL.




